Thursday, February 05, 2009

Open Enrollment for ActingLab@the Alley

Beowulf Alley Theatre Company and Philip Bennett

Present.......ActingLab@the Alley

A Professional Actor Training Program in Stanislavski’s Ultimate Technique

The Method of Physical Actions and Active Analysis


8-Week Course - Introduction to the System “The Actor Works on Himself”

A practical introduction to the elements of stage action, improvisation, breath work, voice production and preparatory scene work. Fee: $350.00 – Less than $22 per hour!

(Limited discounts; payment plans may be available)

Saturdays - Level 1 Section A
February 7 –March 28, 2009
10:00am to 12:00 pm


Wednesdays - Level 1 Section B
February 11-April 1, 2009
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm


"The duty of the instructor is to discover the spark of genius

within the student, and then to give the student the technical

skill and confidence to bring it to the fore."



Mr. Bennett is an award winning actor, director and instructor of the Stanislavski System of Acting. He is a founding member of the American Stanislavski Theatre (AST) in New York City and a protege of Russian emigre teacher and director, Sonia Moore. Phil served as the Assistant Artistic Director of AST where he was both an actor and instructor.

In 1976, he founded the San Francisco Theatre Academy at Fort Mason, and subsequently the Bennett Theatre Lab, an avant-garde actor training company. Internationally acknowledged for his expertise in both classical and contemporary theatre, he lectures and conducts workshops at prominent universities and conventions. Graduates appear regularly in films, on television and the professional stage.

For further information call: Philip Bennett at 520-495-5652

Class Size is Limited – Register NOW for the Winter Term