Saturday, January 24, 2009

Actors and Crews wanted for LNT@the Alley and Out to Lunch Theatre


Media Contact:

Michael Fenlason (Late Night):

Susan Arnold (Out to Lunch):

Beth Dell:



Beowulf Alley Theatre

11 South 6th Avenue · Tucson, AZ   85701

Administration 622-4460 · Reservations 882-0555


Actors and Crews wanted for LNT@the Alley and Out to Lunch Theatre


(Tucson, AZ – Jan. 24, 2009) Beowulf Alley Theatre Company is holding auditions for its late night and lunch time theatre series. Auditions will take place at 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 28 at the theatre, 11 South 6th Ave, Downtown between Broadway and Congress. Performance for late night will be February 20-22 and February 27-28 at 10:30 p.m. Performances for the lunchtime theatre will be February 11, 18, and 25 at 12:15 p.m. for 30 minutes of theatre.

We are seeking a variety of actors for late night:

·         Males who can play characters 20-40s

·         Female actors who can play characters in their 20s-30s

There are three plays under consideration. One play is a musical so plan to come to sing any piece you want – a capella.

We are seeking a variety of actors for lunch time:

·         Males who can play characters from mid-20s to mid-40s

·         A male who can play a character from mid-50s to mid-70s

·         Females who can play characters from mid-20s to mid-40s

·         A female who can play a character from mid-50s to mid-70s

Lunchtime theatre includes three 10-minute plays and is presented to entertain those who need a lunchtime break from work, those who have free time during the day, seniors who are retired and folks with limited resources.

Sets, props and costumes are minimal. Rehearsals are scheduled according to availability of the director, cast and crew but will begin immediately. We invite the community to get involved. What you lack in pay will be made up in creativity, collaboration and FUN! We are also building a planning committee for late night activities and lunchtime theatres so if you have ideas or want to get involved, let us know. Turn your volunteer time into play time!


If you can’t make these dates and times but are interested or if you have any questions, contact Michael Fenlason (Late Night) at, Susan Arnold (Out to Lunch) at or email Beowulf Alley at