'Pavilion' a simple, sweet production: "the play intrigues as well in this solid production, directed by Whitney Morton.
The story centers on Peter (Michael "Miko" Gifford) and Kari (Lisa Mae Roether). Once dubbed "the cutest couple" in high school, Peter left Kari stranded when he found she was pregnant. Just left town without a word.
That was two decades earlier, and now they meet again at their 20th high school reunion. Peter is contrite and thinks he lost the best thing he ever had. He wants to turn back the clock with Kari."
"Pavilion" is a delicious roller coaster ride of emotions, and a strong tale of forgiveness.
Read the entire review here: 'Pavilion' a simple, sweet production

Martie Van Der Voort, left, is Narrator, and Michael "Miko" Gifford and Lisa Mae Roether are high school sweethearts at their 20th reunion in Beowulf Alley Theatre's "The Pavilion."