'Exorcism' offers brief, frank insight into Eugene O’Neill
O’Neill fragment is with seeing—especially with student discounts
Jul 11, 2012, 5:51 pm
Dave Irwin
Evan Engle as Ned, gives an idealized performance as O’Neill would probably like to have seen himself: square jawed, ruggedly handsome, too tough to die and too strong to be denied.
Ken Beider gives a heart wrenching performance as down-and-out Jimmy. Having recently returned to the stage after an eight-year absence (in Beowulf’s “Sins of the Mother”), Beider’s physicality embodies a man who is slowly collapsing in on himself, day by day, drink by drink.

Ken Beider and Evan Engle as pals in Exorcism
Grace Fenlason/Beowulf Alley Theatre
Read the entire review here: http://www.tucsonsentinel.com/arts/report/071112_oneill_exorcism_review/exorcism-offers-brief-frank-insight-into-eugene-oneill/