Play 'Hope' ponders ‘How bad is bad?’
Despite political jabs, real story is about love
Posted Jul 26, 2012, 8:13 am
By: Dave Irwin,
“Hope,” the latest in Beowulf Alley Theatre Company’s summer series, is ostensibly about a man considering becoming his party’s nominee for Congress. Locked in a hotel room, he reviews his life not to see if he is good enough for national leadership, but to assure the party and himself that he’s not irredeemably bad.
Director Michael Fenlason keeps the pace as fast as can be allowed in a narrative that constantly moves back and forth in time. He uses side entrances and lighting to suggest Joe’s dream states and introduce the skeletons rattling around inside his mind.
… “Hope” is worth the effort required to get to the theatre’s downtown location during the construction and experience it for oneself during its brief run.

Grace Fenlason/Beowulf Alley Theatre
Michael Gifford and Chezale Rodriquez in 'Hope.'
Read the entire review here: Play 'Hope' ponders ‘How bad is bad?’ | Beowulf Alley Theatre Company: