Faith in Science
Beowulf Alley illuminates a historical tragedy in a solid production of 'Radium Girls'
by Laura C.J. Owen @lauracjowen"
The plot of Radium Girls would make anyone nervous. It's a dramatization of the real-life case of workers in a radium factory in New Jersey who fell ill after painting watch dials with a glowing radium solution. The women licked their paintbrushes after each application, blissfully ignorant that the radium would eventually cause necrosis (rotting) of the bone, starting in the jaw.
... the ensemble cast does solid work, with Scott, Cormier and Boyd-Martin as stand-outs.
... Composer Alex Greengaard has provided a creepy, subtle soundtrack that creates just the right atmosphere.
... Radium Girls is a strong production and a smart choice for Beowulf Alley, now headed by recently appointed artistic director Michael Fenlason. The play, which premiered at the Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey in 2000, has been produced all over the country—and I'm glad Beowulf has brought it to Tucson. It's a darkly entertaining piece, and it carries an extra punch because it's a true story.

Read the entire review here: Faith in Science | Review | Tucson Weekly