Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Your're Invited - Community party celebrating 10 years in Tucson

Beowulf Alley Theatre

Celebrate with Us!


On July 1st, 2011, Beowulf Alley Theatre Company, 11 South 6th Avenue, is hosting a community party. We’re celebrating 10 years in Tucson and you’re invited! Whether you have been involved with Beowulf before, have attended performances, or are new to us, all are welcome to our Downtown location with our brightly lit marquee. Bring your neighbors, friends and family.

Come together, learn what we have to offer, share ideas, explore volunteering, even submit suggestions for possible plays or activities to experience at Beowulf. We invite you to engage with Board Members, the Managing Director, Directors and Program Chairs as well as those who participate as actors and technicians for our various programs.

Thanks to our visual arts partner, The Drawing Studio, we will begin our celebration with a 2 p.m. afternoon gallery display by noted artist Andrew Rush of his enlarged giclee prints of Tucson cultural program booklet covers from 1977 to 1984. There will also be tours of the theatre. As the evening progresses, from about 6p – 11p, look for live performances, including live music, samples of what is to come from Beowulf and its various programs and even a video presentation. A silent auction with some wonderful items will be part of the event. Drinks and light food will be available. A donation to support our community work is appreciated. PLEASE bring your friends, your family, EVERYONE! Please help us spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, whatever you can. This is a great way for you to experience and learn about our community of theatre.

Do you work with another non-profit organization in the community that might like to team up with Beowulf to do some good? PLEASE let them know that we want to partner with other organizations to pursue a common goal of building and sustaining a strong, thriving, caring community. We are seeking volunteers for this event so if you can share a few hours, please contact Tristyn at contactlatenight@gmail.com.

We know how spontaneous our community is but we need some idea of how many will be attending. Please send us a reply to contactlatenight@gmail.com. Tell us Yes, No or Maybe, your name and how many might be coming just so we can get a rough idea of attendance, and please do not hesitate to ask questions. Please help support and promote not only Theatre Arts, but All Arts and the impact they have on the community and local economy, and the way they can truly help a community learn, grow and thrive. Thank you for your support throughout our 10 years.