Monday, May 09, 2011

Head the Musical

Head the Musical

by Chuck Graham
Nobody embraces risk more enthusiastically than downtown's Beowulf Alley Theatre Company. Eschewing all interest in "regular" stage fare, this fearless band of artists has opened its arms and its theater to a co-production with Phoenix playwright Kevin Fry of "Head: The Musical!"
The word "campy" needs more vowels to make it longer in this way, way over the top romp through naughty words celebrating bad taste and impulsive desires in the spirit of that late-night cinema classic that makes no sense, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."
But it is the non-stop, damn the torpedoes, full-speed-ahead energy that makes this show so much fun . For sure, you will never see anything like this anywhere else in Tucson.

Read the entire review here: Head the Musical