Engaging myth mixed into modern love tale
The myth of Eurydice first appeared in Ovid's "Metamorphoses" more than 2,000 years ago.
Since then, it's inspired operas, poetry and movies. It also inspired Sarah Ruhl's "Eurydice," which previews tonight at Beowulf Alley Theatre.
But this isn't your traditional take on the tale.
"It's a real interesting adaptation," said Lydia Borowicz, who is directing the production.
"It's told through a unique perspective, from Eurydice's eyes."
A change-up that; the tale is generally told from the male perspective.
Cast: Bill Epstein, Nicholas Gallardo, Lucas Gonzales, Joi Marie Johnson, Allison Rose, Kristina Sloan and David Swisher.
Read the entire Preview here: Engaging myth mixed into modern love tale

CREATISTA/SCOTT GRIESSEL/BEOWULF ALLEY THEATREBeowulf's production of "Eurydice" includes Nick Gallardo and Kristina Sloan, front, and Allison Rose, left rear, and Joi Marie Johnson.