.. a powerful play that grabs you by the throat and the heart from the first moments and doesn't let go until the curtain comes down... it's meaty, provocative theater that will remind you how thrilling, and how disturbing, going to see a good play can be.
And this play is good.
Thankfully, it is given powerful treatment by Laura Lippman, a director who honored the material, and two actors who were willing to be raw and emotionally naked, Art Almquist and Elizabeth Leadon-Sonnenfelt.
Almquist and Leadon-Sonnenfelt were so fearless and so deeply rooted in their complex characters that it was impossible not to understand the trauma, the angst, the sorrow and love that Ray and Una had experienced.
Read the entire review here: Silence punctuates riveting 'Blackbird' at Beowulf Alley

BEOWULF ALLEYArt Almquist portrays Ray, who went to prison for a relationship with underage Una. As an adult, Una, played by Elizabeth Leadon-Sonnenfelt, seeks out Ray in "Blackbird."