| Posted: Friday, October 29

"smoothly directed by Dave Sewell" ... "this Beowulf production makes sure the fun is passed on to the audience."

Evan Engle, Danielle Shirar and Elizabeth Leadon-Sonnenfeldt are in the cast of Beowulf Alley Theatre's production.
"David Michael Swisher's Dracula was sexy, dignified, and restrained, but pulled tightly. We weren't sure if he was going to fly into a blood-sucking rage or produce a bouquet of daisies."
"Bill Epstein's Van Helsing oozed warmth in his voice, which made his cruel threats to Harker all the more chilling. Danielle Shirar as the flirtatious Lucy was almost amoral, and thus much more interesting than the Victorian norm. John Mussack's Harker slipped effortlessly from coherent to not so coherent. Evan Engle made his Seward appropriately sleazy. Elizabeth Leadon-Sonnenfelt's Mina was alternately cold and tender, and it was hard to tell which side of her was going to emerge, making Mina a lot more compelling than the goody-two-shoes who succumbs to Dracula's bite in the original. Laura Davenport's Peg, the maid, had a sweet disposition to go with her loose morals."
Read the entire review here: http://azstarnet.com/entertainment/arts-and-theatre/article_e27cabed-b339-584c-a194-8f30c333fc1b.html