Beowulf Alley clowns around with 'Romeo and Juliet'
by Sherilyn Forrester"This production of Clown Romeo and Juliet, by Beowulf Alley's Late Night Theatre, features a young, sharp-witted group big on courage ..."
"Brian Hanson as Romeo and Teresa Simone (who actually has clown and physical-comedy training) as Juliet are promising talents, and they both handle Shakespeare's language and their clown skills admirably..."
"Fun touches abound. Juliet plays with Barbie and Ken dolls in the balcony scene. As the couple marries, her wedding veil keeps coming and coming as she enters from the wing, trailing her for the entire width of the stage; it ends up as a sort of clown-bride burqa."
"Brian Hanson as Romeo and Teresa Simone (who actually has clown and physical-comedy training) as Juliet are promising talents..."
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