Saturday, July 25, 2009

Beowulf Alley Theatre Auditions & Call for Designers and Technicians

Beowulf Alley Theatre Holds Special Auditions & Call for Designers and Technicians



(Tucson, AZ – July 23, 2009) Beowulf Alley Theatre Company announces special auditions to take place for a Main Stage play and Late Night Theatre, LNT@the Alley on Saturday, August 1, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday, August 2, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Beowulf Alley Theatre is located at 11 South 6th Ave, Downtown Tucson between Broadway and Congress. We are also looking for stage managers, costumes, props, sound, lighting, carpenters and other production positions. For additional information for any of these projects, please contact Michael Fenlason at or leave a message at (520) 977-5218.


Main Stage


Seascape by Edward Albee, directed by Michael Fenlason. This romantic comedy, with mature themes, and the 1975 Pulitzer Prize winner for Drama, needs actors who can play the following characters:


1 man: mid-50’s to the beginning of retirement age

1 man: 20’s or older who is physically fit and can withstand a lot of floor movement.


1 woman: mid-50’s to the beginning of retirement age

1 woman: 20’s or older who is physically fit and can withstand a lot of floor movement.


Actors will use sides from the script that will be provided at the audition. We encourage you to arrive a little early for review. Rehearsals will begin the week of August 9. The rehearsal schedule will be determined once the play is cast to reasonably accommodate the production team’s work/life schedules. All participants must be available for technical rehearsals the week prior to the first public performance. Performances are Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 7:30 p.m., Sundays, 1:30 p.m. beginning on Friday, September 25 and closing on October 11, 2009. Roles and Production positions are compensated.


THE STORY: A mature couple on a deserted beach is discussing life, love and marriage. Charlie sees rest in his future while Nancy seeks new adventures. Their solitude is broken by an encounter with a very unusual and strange couple, Leslie and Sarah, also contemplating major life changes. Once the couples recover from mutual surprise and fear, the two couples engage in conversation, sharing thoughts and ideas that lead to finding resolutions to their future life journeys.


LNT@the Alley – Beowulf Alley’s Late Night Theatre Program


Sketch Comedy:       A Freshmen's Guide to The University Of Arizona.


3 men, 3 women ages 18-25


Short pieces will be provided for cold reading, however, feel free to be amusing.



HUMOR 203 -- Making Fun of The University of Arizona  (3 units)
Description:  The evening will focus on the ridiculous, ironic, rude, bawdy and bureaucratic shenanigans of The University of Arizona from the Late Successful Period (NCAA Championship) to the Season of the Cuts and Tuition Raises, emphasizing concepts of absurdity, ribaldry and alcohol as demonstrated in administration, faculty and student.
Grading:  Mildly.
Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Approved as: 
General Education Tier Two - Your Mom

Typical structure:  80 Minute Show, no discussion, please, please, no discussion.
Usually offered:  August 21, 22, 23. 10:30, 10:30 and 7:30




I Count Time By How a Body Sways by John Coyle


One man, 25-35

One woman, 20-30


Cold reading

Woman must have or be willing to have short hair and the ability to do a French accent.


THE STORY: In a French village shortly after the VE Day in Europe, an American soldier is asked to guard a woman accused of collaborating with the Germans. She has been shorn and locked in a cage. Every night he guards her, they grow more intimate, reveal more to one another, and sort out the truths of the war, their own crimes and what it means to be free.