Lovely guitar, lyrical script highlight 'Noche'
By Kathleen Allen
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona Published: 11.07.2008

Oh, how we longed to love "Noche de los Muertos."
The Gavin Kayner play, which is getting its world premiere at Beowulf Alley Theatre, is laced with tension, humor and grand ideas, such as the battle between the state and the church in Mexico. It's a good script.
And we so want Beowulf, which has struggled since the loss of its artistic director, Stephen Elton, at the beginning of the 2007-08 season, to make it.
But this production, in spite of a mighty effort by director Sheldon Metz, falls flat.
Oh, there were bright moments in the play, and some good acting.
But the heart of the story, the character who gives it its shape and deeper meaning, is Tomas, a Villa revolutionary who carries a heavy guilt about his drinking, his killings during the revolution, and about the disappointments others have experienced at his hands.
Much of what drives Tomas is never said, and so his internal life is key in shaping a character with depth and nuance.
Esteban Oropeza, who played Tomas, lacked the finesse to carry the emotional complexity of such a crucial character.
Still, he is ruggedly handsome, looks like a revolutionary, and his performance had some wonderful physical touches — his drunk scenes were masterful; overplaying drunk is a common acting problem, but not one he had.
Angelica Rodenbeck's Irma, Tomas' lover and a voice of reason, was road- and revolution-weary, and you could believe that she lived all the worry and passion that was etched on her face.
Jordana Franco as Catalina, the young school teacher who is to take over the school from the church, is full of idealism and innocence. It was easy for the audience to understand her commitment and her drive.
Metz clearly has an affinity for the material, and has added touches that underscore the ambience of the play — most notably the wonderful guitar music, composed and played by Alex Greengaard.
And Kayner's script is full of lyrical writing. People "scattered like quail," and revolutions "swept over us like the wind." Impressive, that.
It's always thrilling to see a new play that holds such promise, and kudos go to Beowulf for having the guts to produce it.
We just wish that its full potential had been realized.
"Noche de los Muertos"
• By: Gavin Kayner.
• Director: Sheldon Metz.
• When: 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 1:30 p.m. Sundays through Nov. 16.
• Where: Beowulf Alley Theatre, 11 S. Sixth Ave.
• Tickets: $20, with discounts available online.
• Reservations/information: www. beowulfalley.org or 882-0555.
• Cast: Anthony Auriemma, Caroline Latron, Sydney and Vince Flynn, Jordana Franco, Tenoch Gomez, Alex Greengaard, Janet Henderson, Rene Lopez, Esteban Oropeza and Angelica Rodenbeck.
• Running time: 2 hours, 20 minutes, with one intermission.
● Contact reporter Kathleen Allen at kallen@azstarnet.com or 573-4128.