Wait Until Dark review excerpts
By Kathleen Allen
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona Published: 10.03.2008

"There are some shining moments, to be sure. Most notably Dallas Thomas as the blind housewife, Susy. She never broke character, always had the halting, feel-your-way stance of the sightless. And she was believable — both as a smart woman who could take on thugs and as a frightened woman who wasn't sure she was going to make it but would fight until the end.
Steve McKee's turn as a con man was at times gentle, others on the edge of sinister. He did a convincing job.
Chuck Rankin was strong in the smaller role of Susy's husband, Sam, and 14-year-old Molly Howard shows real promise as an actress.
Serving the story well is Joel F. Charles' set of an apartment that looks lived-in and seems to suit Susy and her husband. And Franklin Calsbeek Jr.'s creative lighting underscored the action. "